Monday, November 30, 2009

Not just humans anymore.

USDA confirms H1N1 in Minnesota pigs
H1N1 flu strain found in Canadian turkey flock
Cat dies of H1N1 influenza virus: First feline fatality reported
First case of H1N1 influenza virus infection in dogs

Leaked emails won't harm UN climate body.

16 more days until Copenhagen. This is not looking too good.

"The processes in the IPCC are so robust, so inclusive, that even if an author or two has a particular bias it is completely unlikely that bias will find its way into the IPCC report," he said.

"Every single comment that an expert reviewer provides has to be answered either by acceptance of the comment, or if it is not accepted, the reasons have to be clearly specified. So I think it is a very transparent, a very comprehensive process which insures that even if someone wants to leave out a piece of peer reviewed literature there is virtually no possibility of that happening."

Read more about it here.

Data dumped!


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pure awesomeness.

Here's an update on the Global Warming fiasco. Enjoy!

Financial chaos...on purpose?

First up is the popular George Soros video. For those who don't know who George Soros is, take a gander at his wiki biography here.

Check out what Henry Kissenger said almost 5 years ago!

Apparently even the Pope wants a New World Order as well!

And check out what Glenn Beck is saying in this clip...

Here's an interesting video dealing with what is going on with the American economy and what the possible outcome may be.

For a good overall look at the prophecies in the Bible regarding the end times look here.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Global warming or global governance?

Here's the video that pretty much started it all.

...And here's the latest on Global Warming...

This seems to be yet another (possibly the last?) nail in the coffin of global warming, but do the powers responsible for this whole deception really care at this point? Obama sure doesn't seem to care...


This link has a good summary of what is said in the video below.

BELL TOLLING for the Swine Flu (CAMPANAS por la gripe A) subtitled from ALISH on Vimeo.

New EU president confirms New World Order desire

Wow! Good link to start this all off with. Anyways, very interesting video.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Welcome! The purpose of this blog will be to report on news and trends as they pertain to what the Bible says will occur in the last days prior to the return of Jesus Christ. I believe we are in those final days and a lot of folks I talk to have no idea what is transpiring globally as of late. I will catch-up the most recent major stories to start and then once I'm caught up, I'll be able to focus on what is going on day-by-day after that. I will attempt to update daily if I can.

God bless,
